Sunday, July 26, 2009

Philippians 4, Part 2

I changed the format of the blog a bit, I guess I get bored easily. If you're getting this by email you may not notice, the changes are on the site itself [here]. Hope you enjoy.

If God has made anything clear to me this weekend it is that He's always speaking whether we care to listen or not. Sometimes that voice is easy to ignore, and other times its the only thing you can hear. I had several encounters with people this weekend in which I received way more from spiritually that I had ever expected. I tried my best to go through the normal motions of my day, just like any other Saturday but at every turn there was God speaking to me through other people. Honestly, a lot of it I did not want to hear. Each encounter was different - the brothers in my accountability group, the men at the prayer breakfast, my granny in the hospital, even the movie I watched with my wife - but the theme was so consistent ans so clear: God is calling me higher. I'm not sure what to, but it's clearly a higher level of responsibility, accountability, ministry, love for others & time with Him. It's a scary feeling because I feel so incapable and I even feel that my current level of responsibility is challenging. What's more weird is that I'm anxious about this call and I don't even know what it is.

I was supposed to be writing about Philippians 4 today but obviously that hasn't worked out. I'm asking for your prayers today that I wouldn't be fearful and that God would grant me the grace to hear clearly where He's guiding me. Grace & peace to you all

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