My friend lost his mother yesterday. We've known for a couple days that her time here was quickly fading away. When I first heard the news my heart broke for him. All the time we had spent praying together and talking about his mother, I know he loved her very much and the news hit me pretty hard. Another friend told me Sunday that because she was saved this ought to be a time of rejoicing, and I thank him for that because truly it is. As I prayed for his family this morning, God spoke to me about all his mother was experiencing and, my God, what a time indeed to rejoice. A mansion prepared just for her (John 14:2), immunity from pain or sorrow (Rev 21:4), worship among a multitude of believers (Rev 7:9) in clear view of Christ who sits at God's right hand (Acts 7:55), beautiful words of praise coming from her lips like "holy, holy, holy" and "Hallelujah, for the Lord God Almighty reigns!" (Rev 19:1-8). Thank you Lord for your promise & for what you have in store for us beyond this life. I can't wait to meet you there, so let me praise you now as I will when I get there.
Other friends of ours lost their child this weekend immediately after birth. I can't imagine how that must feel. My prayer for them, and I hope you'll pray with me, is that this experience will draw them closer to God, not further away. Amidst the questions, confusion & pain I pray that God will impart on them a supernatural wisdom and peace. And though tremendous pain is there now, joy comes in the morning. We went to visit yesterday and could see that her heart was so broken. We offered what encouraging words we could but knew that God's Holy Spirit, the Comforter, would need to be with her for some time to come. I wanted to tell her so much more, but the day after may be too soon for preaching. Wanted to tell her that He loves her and even though He allowed it to happen, still felt her pain; that He is our High Priest that can sympathize with us (Hebrews 4:15), and He also knows the pain of losing a son; that there's a purpose for her pain - that she can come out stronger, as purely refined gold (Psalm 66:10). In time God, reveal your words of promise to the child's parents and cause them to draw closer to you, and ignore the enemy's urging for them to drown in sorrow. Protect them, strengthen & encourage them Lord. Surround them with godly people and most of all, with your presence.
Finally, my grandmother is not doing so well in the hospital. She was supposed to be sent home this weekend but due to some problems with her kidneys will need to stay longer. I know her earnest desire is just to go home (she's been in hospitals for quite a while) and she's discouraged about staying longer. I just ask for your prayers for her strength and healing so she can make it back home. Also for patience with the process and doctors and bills and everything else that comes along with this. Pray for faith that nothing, even cancer, is too hard for God.
I thank you all. I know this post is fairly somber but growing in the Lord won't always be an easy or happy thing. But its so necessary and we're fortunate, those of us who are saved, to have been chosen by Him. What an awesome God we serve. Let us have the faith of Jeremiah who said,
"Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you." (Jeremiah 32:17)
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