As Christians, who have been saved from a fairly severe eternity, we ought to have a heart for the lost that leads us to prayer, but not only that - to act. In his book "The Way of the Master," Ray Comfort writes: "...[if] we don't share our faith with the lost, in effect this is what we're saying:
"Lord I know that You have commanded us to go into the world and preach the gospel to every creature. But we will stay here and pray. We know you have chosen the 'foolishness' of preaching to save those who believe. But we will stay here and pray. And we know that the Bible asks us, 'How will they hear without a preacher?' But we will stay here and pray, because it sure is easier to talk to God about people than it it to talk to people about God.""Let us go beyond just caring or praying for those who don't know Jesus. Let's toss those life preservers out.
This is so true Ry. I think people(me included) doubt their spiritual competence with questions like: "Am I even qualified to talk to this person about God? What if they ask me a question I cannot answer?" We need to stay faithful that God will use us when the effort is made to throw out the "life preserver"