Sunday, October 11, 2009

10/12 - Just My Daily Bread

Think about this scripture (Proverbs 30:7-9) & Francis Chan's comments. I'd really like to hear your comments.

1 comment:

  1. This is a prayer. Yes? A middle ground prayer. Sorta! I think? (I do not have Chan's book any longer; gave it someone to read - have not retrieved it yet) so this is Elaine's thoughts only. Now in some things, middle is a good thing. The only thing middle is not good in is our walk/spiritually with Christ, the Holy Trinity.

    But back to what you asked. This is a prayer, yes? It can be speaking to tangibles. When we have less than what we need; we can succumb to temptations to supply those needs. All should have what they need in abundance. When we are overflowing in our tangibles; we will forget the supplier, the Christ and fall into our own boastfulness. This scripture can also lead us to the Model Prayer (better known as the Lord's Prayer): GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD. Read that line carefully! Give us THIS.............. Our DAILY! For we know not what tomorrow holds. Our concern should be with the day God has set before us. This scripture will also lead us to Proverbs 30:10. For we need to be sure that our heavenly Father will supply all our need, and not suffer us to want anything good for us; and why should we wish for more? But we humans often fret over lack (that's understandable but in our fretting we, forget to pray and continue on in faith) and then we often revel in more. We get haughty in having more and then wanting more. But in that more; we get forgetful and faithLESS. And when we want more and more and know not where to draw the line in our wanting, that speaks of immaturity. Like like children.

    What will it profit a man to gain the whole world and loose his/her soul?
