Thursday, October 1, 2009

10/1 - Cherish Each Moment

The Holy Spirit spoke these words to me this morning: Cherish each moment. There are some very good applications of this in my life now - our pregnancy, designing the nursery, dramatic changes in our family, employment, etc. I need to pause sometimes and just cherish the blessings I have because these moments don't last forever. With less than 2 months to go before Joshua comes, I'll cherish what I have because soon, there will be a whole new set of moments to cherish. In the case of employment, clearly there's no guarantees. It's easy to get caught up with my fellow employees in complaining about how our health care costs are increasing and job stability isn't what it used to be, but if we miss the fact that we're yet having these conversations at work, we miss the blessing God has for us.

When these words were given to me, it actually had nothing to do with any of that stuff. They came as I prayed for the lost souls in my circle of family & friends. I pray often that God would use me to present the gospel to them in a relevant manner that they may be moved toward a decision for Christ & no longer persist on their present path. However, when I'm with them, I can so easy become susceptible to that deceitful voice that says, "Now isn't a good time," "Everybodys happy now, just wait until later," or "It'd be awkward to bring that up now." So as I prayed the question became, when is the right time? The right time has to be anytime before that person leaves this earth. And since we can't guarantee that we or anyone else will live beyond any given moment, the obvious answer became that the time is now. Cherish each moment because there may not be a next.

Now I'm not saying that every moment of everyday is to be spent evangelizing. That would be ridiculous. The way this applies to me (and this maybe different for you) is that I no longer need to delay having conversations with people about Christ whom I know God has led me to talk to. Once the conversation has been had, maybe a decision is made, maybe it's not. Maybe I'll talk to that person about God again, maybe I wont. The key is that I become obedient to the Spirit of God and no longer sin in my procrastination.

Read Matthew 24:36-51, or even the whole chapter. It could really bless you today.

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