Starting a task may be a noteworthy thing to do, but the key element is 'follow-through.' I know this very well from sports: a jump shot, golf swing, a pitch, or bowl all require a deliberate follow-through to ensure their success. The beginning of any of these events is somewhat important but without follow-through the outcome is sure to be disastrous and, depending on how many people are watching, embarrassing. I'd consider myself an OK athlete but in my life, there's been no shortage of airballs, shanks, hit batters and gutter balls. These things are bound to happen but in most cases are a result of poor technique. How many gutter balls do we throw in life because of our inability to follow through? Paul outlines a interesting scripture here:
"10 And in this I give advice: It is to your advantage not only to be doing what you began and were desiring to do a year ago; 11 but now you also must complete the doing of it; that as there was a readiness to desire it, so there also may be a completion out of what you have. 12 For if there is first a willing mind, it is accepted according to what one has, and not according to what he does not have." (v. 10-12)The Corinthians had vowed to make an offering to the poor Christians in Jerusalem and Paul took the opportunity presented by the offering of the Macedonian churches to then encourage the Corinthians to add to it. We don't know if the Corinthians at this point had lost interest of not but the point here is: finish the good work you started. Like the Corinthians, there's been many efforts I've started and have been passionate about but after some time, that passion dwindles and the hard part kicks in - the follow through.
My prayer for today is for diligence. To be able to carry on with the projects at work I've taken on, the baseball team I help coach, the good causes I support, the little things I start doing for my wife, keeping the house clean....all the things I start with an intense passion but after a while allow the fire to burn out. Keep me just as persistent in the middle or end of something as I am in the beginning. God give me the diligence of Jesus who, despite the longevity of His injustice & pain, completed His work and saved my life.
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