Friday, June 5, 2009

6/5 - 2 Corinthians 6

Good morning. I'd like to thank you all for your prayers for my pastor yesterday and am glad to report that those prayers were answered QUICKLY!! The doctors have indicated that all tests were negative and he's at home now and resting. Glory to God. My good friend Elaine sent me this scripture yesterday: "The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit" (Psalm 34: 17-18). It's one thing to read and believe scripture, it's another to experience it. I praise you Lord, this morning, for allowing us to experience Your Word. Continue to guide us in righteousness so we can experience you like this everyday!

Ok, on to the chapter. Paul pleads with the church not to take God's grace in vain and then admonishes them: "In an acceptable time I have heard you, and in the day of salvation I have helped you [says the Lord]. Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation" (v. 2). There is a time when God will be attentive, listening to sinners and responding to their repentance. The flip side is that there will be a day when, like Flava Flav said, "Yo time is up" (ok, sorry for that...its early). So in light of our time, that is dwindling away, let us not take for granted the grace God has laid before us. Everyday we wake up is a new dose of God's grace, allowing you time to get back in touch with Him. And even for us saved folks - its a chance for us to take hold of this 'abundant life' we've been promised. Tomorrow's not promised, so it can't be the day of salvation. It's right now.

For this next passage, I really don't have words for it. Verses 3 - 10 are absolutely incredible to me. They describe Paul's life and, to me, layout the profile of strong and Holy Spirit filled believer. This is one of those 'selah' moments (selah = Hebrew word meaning something like "pause and think"). Please take a minute to read this passage.

Finally, Paul calls the Corinthians to live holy lives. His main point is that they should no longer be "unequally yoked" with unbelievers. Without being on the same spiritual ground, this sort of association would be a hinderance to their relationship with God and even a stumbling block for them. Take a look at your own life - when you hang out with people who, let's just say their first prioirity isn't God, does that further your work for the kingdom? Now this passage is not calling for isolation from unbelievers. Considering Paul's evangelistic efforts in pagan places and even Jesus' constant contact with sinners, this couldn't be true. It's a call not to hang out with them in the same way you did before (to party, talk about nonsense, etc). I remember back in my days at FAMU, there were a few different crowds I hung with and I'd act differently according to the situation -with the youth group one way, with the fellas....a different way. My old pastor, Reggie, would always say that sinners would "infect you before you affect them." That put to rest the notion that I could go out to the club and be an example to my friends by how I didn't smoke and didn't drink. Silliness. If anything, it made them madder that I didn't join in the fun.

So the call is for us to "come out from among them and be separate" (v. 17). Still associate with people, but now differently - with a new heart. The call is to, by direction of the Holy Spirit, to live righteously and be distinct. Consider who we hang out with. Are we unequally yoked?


  1. Wow Ryan! You know it was hard for me to "come out" and still I face some difficulty now but it is necessary! Thanks for your wise insight! AND TO GOD BE THE GLORY FOR THE HEALING POWER for our Pastor and all of us if we only believe! That mustard seed of faith.

    Wow, an honorable mention....... how gracious of you. How humbled I am. Thank you. Enjoy your day and cya tonight at the gala! I will make the contribution when I can. Always!

  2. BTW, I do like that picture. You look so much like an author; like a young Black Ernest Hemingway...... :)
