Friday, November 6, 2009

11/6 - New Life

It's been a while since I've posted but be patient with me. I'm trying to get back into some sort of routine but 3-4 hours of sleep doesn't allow one to be in his best state of mind.

Wow. What an amazing couple of weeks it has been. That's probably an understatement but I'm not sure how else to describe it. Having a child has been yet another opportunity for me to experience God. The changes a woman's body goes through leading up to delivery - how the baby knows how to position himself, the body's impulse to push, the umbilical cord (which is pretty amazing when you think about it), the healing process afterward - who could think of this stuff but God? In everything that's happening it's tough not to see the hand of God in it. I thank God for that. I thank Him for opening my eyes because thousands of babies are born each day an still people aren't convinced of Him. He didn't have to reveal Himself to me but He did. Incredible.

So I have this new life now that my wife and I have been entrusted to and as expected a heightened sense of responsibility. However, it's a tough thing for me to get my head around now. I don't know, maybe because it's so early in Joshua's life. I know it's not possible but feel the burden to do everything right now. I don't use that term burden in a negative sense but in the sense that the call to righteousness now seems higher. Maybe it's unrealistic but still a noble concept I suppose. God did say Be holy because I am holy (1 Peter 1:16). I guess it takes something like this before I take that seriously.

I feel the call to be a godly example for him. One of my prayers has been that Joshua can get a glimpse, or even a quick peek, of God the Father through me, his earthly father.

I'm excited about Joshua's life. All the mystery behind what sort of man he'll be, what hobbies he'll have, what gifts he'll have. Many of you who know me also know that some things have already been established - he will be a Bengals/Reds fan, he will play infield and be a switch hitter and he won't endorse the activities of PETA. I'm kidding (but again, those of you who know me also know that I'm not kidding at all). But beyond that, it's all a mystery and that's pretty exciting.

The less exciting but equally true mystery of Joshua's life is his salvation. I don't think it's ever too early to start thinking about this even though he's only 12 days old now. He's new, innocent and in my eyes can do no wrong but he still was born in depravity. The other of my prayers these first days of his life have been for that one soul - whether it be me, Kendra or whoever - who will share the gospel with Joshua and he will come to accept it and live his life for Jesus. Pray that with me if you don't mind. I'm also excited about Joshua's ministry- but this must happen first.

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