This issue of sexual immorality is one of the biggest issues facing the church. It's a fiery beast and has devoured so many in it's path. It's relentless and as our age becomes more "progressive" and our standards become even looser, the beast just grows that much more powerful. As it is such a powerful topic, you'll have to pardon me if I don't mince words on this one. We've become so deceived in this area that we deny how powerful it is and think we can play around with it and not fall. We live with our girlfriends/ boyfriends, think we can stop at just a look or just a kiss, watch any movie we want, listen to whatever music we want and put ourselves in compromising situations thinking its all good and we're strong enough to overcome it. A hint this morning, and this is from the Lord Himself: you are not. The Bible advises us to "flee sexual immorality" (1 Corinthians 6:18). If we were strong enough it might have told us to stand & be steadfast, but the clear advice here is to run.
I think the battle of sexual immorality rages in all of us but is particularly more intense among the brothers. As we are more susceptible to visual imagery, this temptation becomes that much more strong for us. And look at what we're exposed to everyday - billboards, commercials, prime time television, radio ads, pop-ups, not to mention the women we actually see in real life! Pornography and masturbation are more common among men for these reasons, and are an epidemic in the church. In 2006, revenue for the porn industry was $13.3 billion in the U.S. with over 70% of men ages 18 to 34 visiting a pornographic site per month. Considering about 75% of Americans call themselves Christians, how much of that $13 billion came from the church? Also consider that with this high of revenue, as an industry, pornography would crack the Fortune Top 200.
Besides viewing sexual immorality, many of us are engaging in it. The culture has been resolute in reminding us about what we deserve sexually and if we don't get it what options we have, primarily having it outside of the context of marriage. Marital, or even relational, unfaithfulness is now more the rule rather than the exception. We now have this high standard around "love", "the right time" or "the right person" and have so skewed the proper intentions for sex that God's view has become a laughing stock. When G.W. Bush pushed abstinence in schools, the backlash wasn't even anger, it was ridicule and mockery at the very idea that we humans should attempt something as futile as abstinence.
I'll have to write more on this later, but I don't want to lose you just yet. 1 Thessalonians 4:3 - "For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you should abstain from sexual immorality." God is not in any way ignorant of the facts I've laid before you. He's not unmindful of the struggle we face in a sexually charged society. He's also not a God who changes or would lower His standard of holiness. The thing I hope we come to realize, and I'd like to study more on, is that the reason His standard is so high and why He wills that we live holy, is for our own good. It is the will of God - so not only must it be possible for us, He expects it of us. Yes it's difficult, but consider this today: is He worth it?
More tomorrow.
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